The Friendzone (comic)
"This comic book story is so disturbing it made me want to watch "Frozen" twenty times just so I'll feel happy again. THE FRIENDZONE... is one of the best horror stories I've read this year." - Budjette Tan (Trese) There's a line that divides one's friends and one's lovers, or so some say. A space of heartbreak and heart-blindness, or guilt and patriarchal coercion, depending on whom you believe. But to pull someone across this place... this Zone... may be more horrible than any truly understand... Part of the Shiver, Jangle, and Spin trilogy of short horror comics, "The Friendzone" is the second collaborative work under the Studio Salimbal banner by the duo of Noel Pascual (Crime-Fighting Call Center Agents) and Mervin Malonzo (Tabi Po)." READ THE SAMPLER AT STUDIO SALIMBAL WEBSITE BUY NOW